The most popular baby names for 2012 for boys and girls have been released. The ranking of popularity is based on a single spelling of a name, for instance, Sophia and Sofia are considered two different names. The list is published by The Baby Center where mothers to be can get answers to questions about pregnancy. The center also gives advice on babies, toddlers, preschoolers even diet tips for children of any age. If has to do with children, it’s usually there.

The top ten most popular girl names for 2012 are: 10. Chloe...9. Lily...8. Mia...7. Emily...6. Ella...5. Isabella...4. Ava...2. Olivia...1. Emma.  In 2011 the top five girl names from 5 to 1 were: Ava, Isabella, Sophia, Olivia and Emma.

The top ten most popular boy’s names for 2012 are: 10...Lucas...9. Logan...8. Jackson...7. Aiden...6. Jack...5. Jacob...4. Noah... 3. Mason...2. Ethan...1. Liam. In 2011 the top five boy names from 5 to 1 were:  Jacob, Ethan, Noah, Liam and Mason.

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