Cathy Landry of Waterville, Maine  was getting frantic when she discovered a bank bag with $1,500 in it was missing from her new pocketbook. The cash was to pay her rent, brake work on her car, doctor and dentist bills, gas, groceries and so on.Landry tells the Kennebec Journal, 'I had a new pocketbook and it had three compartments. Apparently, one of them wasn't zipped all the way.'

While she was trying to figure out where the cash could be, Mark Isbell, a maintenance mechanic for the Waterville Housing Authority, found the bank bag in the parking lot of Landry's apartment building and gave it to his boss, maintenance supervisor Greg Wilson.

Wilson to the bank bag to the Waterville Police Department.

Deputy Police Chief Charles Rumsey said that in addition to the $1,500 is cash, the money bag contained a couple of deposit slips for Kennebec Savings Bank and a receipt from Bull Moose Music.

The Police and the bank tracked down the rightful owner.

Coincidentally, Landry had found a money bag lying on the ground outside the bank five years ago with over $5,000 in it and immediately returned to the bank.

Landry thanked and gave Isbell $50 for his good deed of returning the bank bag.


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