Since today is Leap Day 2016 , it is notable that not many people were born on a leap Day. The odds are 1 in 1461 to be born on a Leap Day. There are, worldwide, about 4 million people having a birthday today.

Needless to say it is rare to have birthday on February 29. It is even rarer to have a town in your community incorporate on February 29th, as far as I can tell there have only been 84 of them. Maine is one state that has a town that incorporated on February 29, Smithfield.

Smithfield was incorporated on February 29th, 1840, in fact, when you enter the town, take a close look at the sign and right across the bottom it says: “Maine’s Only Leap Year Town."

This year is the 176 anniversary of the town incorporating on February 29th, but in Leap Year birthdays it’s only 43 years old. Since it is such a unique distinction, what does the town do to celebrate Leap year every 4 years? Nothing!

They did hold a Leap Year Town Parade in 2015 when they celebrated their 175th anniversary, but that was held in the summer, not in February. But all of that could change soon.

There is a proposal, which will be considered during a Town Meeting on March 12th, to have regular Leap Year Celebrations. The item proposes raising $500 for the celebration which comes once every 4 years.

Some residents do agree, a Leap Year celebration could be something that would bring the town together and anything that can do that would be a good thing.

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