You may have noticed, like I have, the sweet smell of skunk in the air.  Can there be a worse smell in all of nature? This is season in Maine for skunks to be on the prowl. During late winter they mate and by April or May they are caring for their young and looking for food.

One spray from a skunk can make you stink for weeks which is good reason to avoid them as much as possible. Skunks are out looking for food and they are not too particular as to what they eat. Rodents, birds, insects and your garbage are all appealing to them.

On a calm day a skunk can spray 12-15 feet and usually warns you before spraying by stomping their feet and making short charges. If you get sprayed the quicker you do something the better chance you have of removing the odor.

Washing with mild acidic substances work best like tomato juice, diluted vinegar or something you get at a pet store. There is a home remedy for washing off skunk sink:

1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution, ¼ cup of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap known for degreasing qualities. Mix the solution in a large, open container and use the entire mixture while it’s still bubbling. Work it into lather and leave it on for 30 minutes. Follow with a long hot shower. Repeat as needed.

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