has come up with their list of top ten actual absurd excuses employees have given for missing work. We'll share the list in just a second, but what was the most creative excuse you ever gave your boss for missing work?

Here's the Top Ten List:

1. Claimed his grandmother poisoned him with ham.
2. Was stuck under their bed.
3. Broke his arm reaching to grab a falling sandwich.
4. He said that the universe was telling him to take a day off.
5. His wife found out he was cheating and had to spend the day retrieving his belongings from a dumpster.
6. Poked herself in the eye while combing her hair.
7. Said his wife put all his underwear in the washer.
8. The meal that he cooked for the company potluck didn't turn out well.
9. Was going to the beach because the doctor said she needed more vitamin D.
10. Her cat was stuck inside the dashboard of her car.

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