Driving in Portland can be a challenge for some people who don't drive here regularly. Even though there are many good drivers in Portland, there are a lot of not-so-good drivers as well. Accidents happen, but with the number of vehicles on the roads in Portland, there will be accidents.

The Portland Police Department released 2024 crash statics on their Facebook pages on January 2, and here's the rundown:

  • 3157 crashes
  • 2675 of those crashes had property damage
  • 852 Hit and runs
  • 482 Hit and runs with injuries

They also provided the three intersections in Portland with the most crashes and when you get a look at these intersections, you can see why.

1. Larabee Road at Riverside Street

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Google Maps

The intersection with the most crashes in 2024 has six lanes of traffic in all directions and four traffic lights to manage the flow of traffic. With that many lanes and that many people getting off and on the Maine Turnpike at Exit 48, crashes are going to happen.

2.  Forest Avenue at Bishop and Stevens Avenue

Google Maps
Google Maps

This intersections a big CF. (Google CF if you need to, but you've been warned). This intersection has six entrances into traffic with one of them being the exit from the Scrub-A-Dub Car wash which is between two sets of traffic lights. That's a lot of cars going in all sorts of directions.

3. Forest Avenue at Marginal Way

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Google Maps

The problem with crashes here is that this is where cars come down the hill from downtown Portland and head to the Turnpike on ramps which means they have to cross several lanes of traffic safely to do it. It doesn't always work out though and accidents happen.

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Gallery Credit: Lori Voornas

LOOK: Here are just some of the most magical places in Maine

You don't need to break the bank or risk life and limb to feel like you're in another world. Just head to Maine and explore these surprisingly magical spots. Tap or click the photo for more information.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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