Pennsylvania Makes It Illegal for Strangers to Touch Pregnant Women’s Bellies
For whatever reason, people seem to think that's it's totally cool to walk up to any random pregnant woman and rub her belly. Well, it's not. In fact, it is so not cool that now courts are stepping in to stop you from randomly fondling pregnant ladies.
Pennsylvania just put a law into effect that makes it illegal to touch a pregnant woman's belly without asking her first.
This all stems from a case in the state's Cumberland County where a man walked up to a pregnant stranger and rubbed her belly. She called the police and the guy ended up being charged with harassment.
Now, lawmakers are making it official -- touching a pregnant woman's belly is harassment. That's a misdemeanor that will usually get you a fine or community service in most states, but it could get you up to one year in jail in extreme cases.
There's no word if other states will also decide to make it illegal to touch, grope, rub or otherwise fondle a pregnant woman's baby bump, but let's hope everyone jumps on board with this decision..
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