It’s an undisputed scientific fact that Beauty and the Beast’s Gaston is the greatest villain in the Disney animated canon. After all, we’re talking about a guy whose theme song is all about how many eggs he eats and how every last inch of him is covered in hair. Sorry Maleficent, you have nothing on this guy. So, the news that Luke Evans has been cast as Gaston in Disney’s upcoming live action take on Beauty and the Beast has us feeling awfully judgmental. Sure, Evans is a good actor, but is he Gaston good?
The story of Noah as it is written in the King James Bible is about three pages. If you want to Google it, read it, then come back to this you can go ahead. I'll wait here as I continue to stream some of Clint Mansell's spooky and enthralling score to the new Darren Aronofsky film starring Russell Crowe.
Back? Yeah, so, not a whole heck of a lot there. But did you catch the tiny references to thin
Russell Crowe goes from Christian allegory in 'Man of Steel' to the actual Bible days in Paramount's first 'Noah' trailer. The footage made the rounds at religious conferences, but now it has debuted online for all to see.
Teenage girl cat burglars... Interested yet? That's the set up of 'The Bling Ring,' Sofia Coppola's latest film (which is based on a true story) about a group of girls who decided to rip off celebrities when they know they're not home. Now there's a new clip that features 'Harry Potter' star Emma Watson pole dancing.
The first poster for Sofia Coppola's 'The Bling Ring' has arrived and rather than showcase star Emma Watson, it goes for something simpler, subtler and a bit more cool than a giant floating head. Check it out below!
Is Emma Watson fit to be tied? That's the question on millions of minds since last week's rumor broke linking the 'Harry Potter' actress to the racy '50 Shades of Grey' adaptation. Now Emma is speaking -- er, tweeting -- out about the report, giving fans a piece of her mind regarding her link to the sexy project.
Today is a good day for the former cast-mates of 'Harry Potter' as not only is Daniel Radcliffe signing up for 'Frankenstein,' while Emma Watson is now in early talks for 'Cinderella,' which will be directed by her 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' co-star Kenneth Branagh.
Emma Watson is slowly moving away from Hermione Granger and segueing into more adult roles. It doesn't get more adult than the upcoming 'Fifty Shades of Grey' movie she's been rumored as a leading candidate to star in but would Emma Watson go nude for a part like that? "Of course I'll do it," she says. O_O
Security software company McAfee, Inc. released its annual report today of the celebrities most likely to give you a virus. And, no, Lindsay Lohan wasn't at the top of the list. Instead, it was Emma Watson of 'Harry Potter' fame. But she seems so innocent. Oh, computer virus. Noted.