
Is it Washington’s Birthday, Lincoln’s Birthday or Presidents’ Day?
Is it Washington’s Birthday, Lincoln’s Birthday or Presidents’ Day?
Is it Washington’s Birthday, Lincoln’s Birthday or Presidents’ Day?
Today, February 12, is the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. There was a time in our country we celebrated Lincoln’s birthday as a holiday on its own and George Washington’s birthday, February 22, also celebrated separately...
Novemebr 22, the Day Kennedy Died
Novemebr 22, the Day Kennedy Died
Novemebr 22, the Day Kennedy Died
It was 49 years ago, November 22, 1962; President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. It ties in with this Thanksgiving Day’s football games because in 1963, the 22nd was a Friday and the NFL had to decide if they were going to play their Sunday schedule...