New Red Lobster Menu Revealed Following Bankruptcy BattleNew Red Lobster Menu Revealed Following Bankruptcy BattleNew food items and a shrinking menu are coming to a Red Lobster near you. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
20 of the Most Popular Chain Restaurants That Maine Doesn’t Have20 of the Most Popular Chain Restaurants That Maine Doesn’t HaveFrom popular buffets to trendy burger and chicken joints, here are 20 of the most popular chain restaurants that don't exist in Maine.JoeyJoey
Struggling National Restaurant Chain Could Get Second ChanceStruggling National Restaurant Chain Could Get Second ChanceA firm is crunching the numbers right now to see if it can be saved. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Maine Lobsterman Tries Red Lobster for First Time in Taste TestMaine Lobsterman Tries Red Lobster for First Time in Taste TestCould Red Lobster impress this popular Maine lobsterman?Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
6 Restaurant Chains That Opened in Maine and Quickly Failed6 Restaurant Chains That Opened in Maine and Quickly FailedThere have been several national chains that have tried to get a foothold in Maine, but were unable to stay in business.Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
No Red Lobster in Maine But Popular Elsewhere Thanks to BeyonceNo Red Lobster in Maine But Popular Elsewhere Thanks to BeyonceYou may or may not know there are no Red Lobsters in Maine. There used to be but not anymore. Why would go to Red Lobster in Maine when you can go down the corner and buy fresh lobster a lot cheaper.WEBBWEBB