Apparently, a new bill is calling for the State of Maine to ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates for the next five years.  It is important to note that the bill would only apply to the COVID-19 vaccines

According to the KJ, the bill, LD 867, calls for a five year ban on mandating people get the vaccine over concerns that the long term side affects of the vaccines are not yet known.  One of the specific concerns is how the COVID-19 vaccines could affect fertility in women.

The hope is that the moratorium would allow time for the further study of potential side effects of the vaccines.

The bill calls for a...

Five-year moratorium on mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. Notwithstanding 14 any law to the contrary, mandatory vaccinations for coronavirus disease 2019, which is 15 also known as COVID-19, are prohibited for 5 years from the date of a vaccine's first 16 emergency use authorization by the United States Department of Health and Human 17 Services, Food and Drug Administration in order to allow for safety testing and 18 investigations into reproductive harm

Read the full bill HERE

According to the experts from the Centers for Disease Control, currently, there is no evidence that the approved COVID-19 vaccines cause any issues with fertility.  And, while there is room for debate about how effective the vaccines are at curbing the spread of the virus, nearly every medical expert agrees that the vaccines lessen the severity of COVID-19 infections.

The KJ report states that, given the fact that there are democrats control both chambers of the legislature, and we have a democrat governor, there is little chance that the bill will advance.

However, the bill, which is sponsored by Representative Tracy Quint, will serve to open up discussions about how the vaccine mandate is partially to blame for the lack of medical workers in Maine.  It is expected that will be one of the main talking points of the LePage for Governor campaign.

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