
Teens: Be Careful! Your Teacher Reads Your Tweets!
Teens: Be Careful! Your Teacher Reads Your Tweets!
Teens: Be Careful! Your Teacher Reads Your Tweets!
Modern media is pretty simple to understand. The problem is teenagers don't think older people, like their teachers, can learn or use things like Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat. But....yes. Yes, we can! And we LOOOOOVE reading what you write about us!
Watch This Guy Put So-Called Mediums on TV to Shame [Video]
Watch This Guy Put So-Called Mediums on TV to Shame [Video]
Watch This Guy Put So-Called Mediums on TV to Shame [Video]
If you've ever watched TV shows like 'Long Island Medium,' you've seen the stunned looks on people's faces when the psychics start to get positive "hits." The guy in the video above amazes strangers with specific information, but there's one catch: he's not even a little bit psychic.

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