
An Amazing Google Earth Flyover of Maine [VIDEO]
An Amazing Google Earth Flyover of Maine [VIDEO]
An Amazing Google Earth Flyover of Maine [VIDEO]
Get ready to get a tour of our great state like you've never had before. This amazing Google Earth flyover will take you all over Maine in under five minutes. You'll get amazing perspective on places like: Fort Gorges Thomas Hill Standpipe in Bangor The Portland Museum of Art Sunday River and Sugarloaf Funtown/Splashtown Eartha-the World's Largest Globe The State House in Augusta Tons of other co
Lost Skier on Sugarloaf Found Alive + Well
Lost Skier on Sugarloaf Found Alive + Well
Lost Skier on Sugarloaf Found Alive + Well
It was a happy ending to the search for a missing teenager on Sugarloaf this week. Maine wardens say a 17-year-old skier who was found alive and well at Maine's Sugarloaf ski resort survived two nights in the wild by building a snow cave for shelter while walking toward the sound of snowmobiles during the day. Clever kid.