
Acadia Offers Park Violators A Second Chance
Acadia Offers Park Violators A Second Chance
Acadia Offers Park Violators A Second Chance
Have you ever received a parking ticket you didn't think you should've?  Honestly, you didn't KNOW you couldn't park there, right? Yet, there it is, flapping in wind, a parking violation. Day ruined. Acadia Park is trying something new by offering violators a second chance.
After "Lobstah," What's Next?
After "Lobstah," What's Next?
After "Lobstah," What's Next?
It's the time of year when the roads are clogged with out of state visitors. Many of us have entertained friends and family, and there's always the inevitable first question: As a prepared Mainer, you have a token answer for them, and take them out for a good time. Thing is, they're around for more than a meal, and Maine has a ton of other great things to sample. What do you say when they ask, &qu

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