What are the top cities in the United States for Hipsters? First, what is a hipster? They have an ‘effortless nonchalance’, ultra-cool clothes, buy recycled furniture, and blend cheap beer and organic food. It’s a group not easily forced into stereotypes.

FindTheBest.com searched for the cities with classic signs of the hipster population. They took into consideration things like: a city with a greater population of people in the age group of 20-34, a high percentage of bachelor’s degrees, cafes where people can debate current events over a cup of coffee and the number of yoga studios.

So where are the top hipster cities?

San Francisco, California is at #16. 1.4 yoga studios per 10,000 residents and 18 cafés per 10,000.

Seattle, Washington, at #14 with 2.4 yoga studios and 17.9 cafés per 10,000.

Auburn, Alabama at #13. 60% with bachelor degrees, and 4.3 cafes per 10,000 residents.

Somerville, Massachusetts with 42% of the population aged 20-34, 53% with a bachelor degree and 9 cafes per 10,000.

Cambridge, Massachusetts is #4 with 73% of the population with a bachelor degree and 1.9 yoga studios per 10,000.

The city with most hipsters goes to Hoboken, New Jersey. The hipster hub of the country. Nearly 48% of the population is in the 20-34 age group, 13.1 cafes per 10,000 residents and 73.5% of residents with a bachelor degree.

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