Times are tough, and higher education is only getting more expensive. Some people would prefer to start working right out of high school rather than racking up student loans that take decades to pay off. Honestly, who can blame them?

Here are five jobs in New Hampshire that don't require a college education.

First Line Supervisors for Correctional Officers – Working in our prison system takes a special kind of person. However, if you think you can handle the work environment, the payoff is pretty substantial. According to salary.com, the average salary for this position in New Hampshire is $65,000 a year.

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Elevator Mechanic – Though this job has its ups and downs (HA!) the average hourly pay for an Elevator Mechanic in New Hampshire is $32.85 an hour.

Technician Repairing Control Panel Of Broken Elevator
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Real Estate Agent – A college degree is not 100% necessary in order to practice real estate in New Hampshire. However, the testing for a license can be costly and time-consuming. Here is a link to the steps one must take to obtain a real estate license in the state of New Hampshire.

With the housing market being what it is in New Hampshire, real estate agents in this state will be doing well for the foreseeable future. The demand is there! The average base salary for a real estate agent in New Hampshire is $83,650.

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UPS Driver – You really work your tail off for this job in all kinds of inclement weather. However, it could be worth it, because the average UPS Driver hourly pay in New Hampshire is approximately $20.92, which is 27% above the national average.

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whom eyeramona via Instagram

Plumber: To be a plumber in New Hampshire, one must complete a four-year apprenticeship program in plumbing (8,000 hours), and obtain an apprenticeship completion certificate from a qualifying plumbing apprentice program. According to usanews.com, Plumbers make around $37 an hour, and when they've been working in the industry for 10 years, they can charge $46 an hour or more.

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Do you have a great job that you didn't need to obtain a college degree for? Let us know in the comments section.

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