Lawmakers Pursue Stricter Policies For Drivers Using Devices
If you think you're one of those cool drivers who is so skilled you can work your phone while driving and those laws are for other drivers, guess what, life is gonna get a lot more difficult for you. According to CentralMaine.com Texting and driving is already illegal in Maine, but enforcement is difficult because the law is so narrow. It doesn’t include the many ways people now use cellphones like browsing social media, taking photos, shopping or using online maps.
But now, there is a proposal that would expand that law to any handheld device. First-time violators could get a $75 fine, with maximum penalties of a $500 fine and a three-month license suspension for repeated violations. The purpose of this is to make sure both hands are free in case something happens.
Get more details on the ban and laws, here.
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