Loud Exhaust Leads Drunk Maine Man To Jail
A man was pulled over in Waterboro, Maine for having a loud exhaust. By the time police figured out who he was, he was headed to jail.
Getting stopped for a seemingly minor offense is only a small part of the story. According to WCSH 6, David Barrett, 30, of Dexter was pulled over because his truck did not seem to have an adequate exhaust system or muffler and was extremely loud, according to the York County Sheriff's Office. Once pulled over, Barrett ran into a nearby home, where he knew the home owners. By the time deputies searched the home, Barrett had snuck out through the bathroom window in the rear of the house.
When police caught up to him, Barrett was found apparently intoxicated and hiding in the woods behind some brush. Why was he being so dodgy? Well, The York County Sheriff's Department said Barrett had a suspended license, was out on bail conditions and was not supposed to have or be drinking alcohol.
He is now facing five charges and is not available for bail. However, he was cut a break by police. They issued a warning for failing to have a vehicle inspection and operating with excessive exhaust noise.
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