All of Luke Bryan’s Singles, Ranked
On July 17, 1976, although no one knew it at the time, a country star was born -- literally. Luke Bryan came into the world on that date.
About a month after his 31st birthday, in August of 2007, the now-country superstar released his debut record, I'll Stay Me. Since then, he's risen through the ranks to become one of the most recognizable country artists in the world based on his sound, entertaining tunes and magnetic stage presence.
The Boot has ranked Every. Last. One. of his singles, from "All My Friends Say" (his debut) to the smash hit "Drink a Beer" to his most recent offering, "One Margarita" -- 29 tunes in all. Flip through the photo gallery below to see how they all stack up.
Angela Stefano and Carena Liptak also contributed to this story.