North Woods Outlaws’ Annual Coat Giveaway Is Saturday In Augusta
Considering we are in the middle of dealing with our first real winter weather of the season, it only feels right that the North Woods Outlaws plan to hold their annual coat giveaway tomorrow.
Dubbed "Operation Keep 'Em Warm", the event is scheduled to take place at Mill Park in Augusta from 11 AM to 4 PM on Saturday, December 17th.
As in years past, there will be a variety of coats, scarves, hats, and other winter weather apparel available for the public. All of it will be free for those in need.
Sammi Styles will be on hand from Noon to 2 PM to provide free haircuts to children (aged 2 to 12).
Rogers Racing Automotive & Metal Fab will be there grilling burgers and dogs.
You can always follow the North Woods Outlaws on Facebook to keep up with what they are doing both musically and charitably.
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