
12 Places in NH People Would Escape to if Society Collapsed
12 Places in NH People Would Escape to if Society Collapsed
12 Places in NH People Would Escape to if Society Collapsed
Would you hide in your home and hope for the best? Journey to some rural, uninhabited area and live out the rest of your days on the land? Invade a grocery store, Walmart, or Costco with your buddies to wait things out in relative security?
Another ‘World Comes to an End’ Apocalypse to Happen This Saturday
Another ‘World Comes to an End’ Apocalypse to Happen This Saturday
Another ‘World Comes to an End’ Apocalypse to Happen This Saturday
It seems every year the world is facing an apocalypse, the end of the world. So far so good: we’re still here. In 1910, when Haley’s Comet was coming, scientists thought it would be the end. In 1997, Heaven’s Gate thought an alien ship was following a comet. One of the biggest recently was Y2k: that was supposed to happened on January 1, 2000. Most recently, two years ago, the end of the Mayan cal