
Fun Fall Activities To Do On A Crisp Day In Maine
Fun Fall Activities To Do On A Crisp Day In Maine
Fun Fall Activities To Do On A Crisp Day In Maine
I'll give you a hint and tell you I was telling the truth when I said fall is my favorite season in our contest to win Miranda Lambert tickets! I love the change in the way the air smells and feels more crisp, the vibrant colors that slowly take over the Maine outdoors, and way everything seems to pick up the pace...
Blow Leaves Off Your Patio With a Drone
Blow Leaves Off Your Patio With a Drone
Blow Leaves Off Your Patio With a Drone
This is the time year when leaves are falling all the time and we rake, rake, and rake. Leaves fall in more places than on your yard, if you have a patio, they fall there too. You can rake the leaves on the patio but you will also need to sweep.
Terrific Maine Foliage Season
Terrific Maine Foliage Season
Terrific Maine Foliage Season
It looks like it is going to be a terrific fall foliage season in Maine this year. The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry says conditions in the northernmost part of Maine are prime for very low leaf drop and subtle color changes.
The Pros and Cons of Fall
The Pros and Cons of Fall
The Pros and Cons of Fall
You may have noticed by the bite in the air or the goo in your eyes -- fall is here! We have mixed emotions about this, so we thought we'd treat it like every person we've ever dated and make a thorough pro/con list about it before it never returns our calls anyway.
Maine Foliage Season
Maine Foliage Season
Maine Foliage Season
It looks like we could be in for an excellent leaf-peeping season. According to Maine forestry officials in Augusta, the hot, dry summer may deliver an ideal foliage season.  Gale Ross, Maine’s foliage spokeswoman has been fielding calls already from potential visitors about the upcoming season. One call came in from China.
Fall Foliage Season
Fall Foliage Season
Fall Foliage Season
Even though the calender still says it's summer, the fall colors are starting to pop in Maine. The magical time of year when brilliant reds and yellows dazzle behind a deep blue Maine sky are upon us. The colors are starting to appear in northern Maine and within the next few weeks they'll be changing here in central Maine.