
Sharon Loves Heated Seats
Sharon Loves Heated Seats
Sharon Loves Heated Seats
It is SO COLD outside and it is almost JUNE! Thank goodness for my car. After I hit the moose last year, I was NOT looking forward to "hunting" for a new one. Especially, when I knew that we didn't have the money. I knew I wanted another wagon because we have a big family and with band equipment, it's necessary. But having THIS feature put it over the edge!
Padiddle Has Been Around How Long?
Padiddle Has Been Around How Long?
Padiddle Has Been Around How Long?
We've all played it. Your parents probably introduced it to you when you were small. Or maybe it happened when your friends got their first car in high school and you went driving around with them for the first time at night. And, you admit, sometimes it got out of hand. But one thing was for was fun!
Sharon Hit a Moose Last Night
Sharon Hit a Moose Last Night
Sharon Hit a Moose Last Night
I had just played Beaver Brook Campgound in Monmouth. It was 10:20 pm and I called Chad to say I was on my way home. It's a 45 minute jaunt to Clinton. At night you always have to be careful. There have been many scary nights driving home from gigs. Gigs where moose and deer jumped out in front, ice and snow made it impossible to get home and some nights where you just pull over to sleep for a few