With a roof and porch that look like they're going to collapse any second, broken and boarded windows, damaged siding, a random couch out front, and a laundry list of other issues, this creepy-looking home is in quite the state of disrepair.
Here's a great example of how chivalry is not dead. I think I can categorize this story under chivalrous? Either way, this showed me that people do still have it in them to make a connection with a stranger in person instead of on the phone.
The YouTube page Maine Urbex features video tours of abandoned buildings in Maine. It's a group of guys who "explore" abandoned buildings and post the videos to their channel.
This particular exploration is at an undisclosed abandoned hospital somewhere in Maine and it's creepy as hell...
Getting a tattoo is an awesome way to express oneself, but a decent amount of thought should go into getting inked because, well, they're permanent. We'll take a wild guess and say you might not be a fan of that eyelid tattoo in a couple decades, either.
I don't mind the garden snakes in my woodpile or curled up alongside the flower garden. In fact, Brad and Anderson caught a good one yesterday! That's my boys!