
Randy’s Cellar is Leaking Again, is Yours?
Randy’s Cellar is Leaking Again, is Yours?
Randy’s Cellar is Leaking Again, is Yours?
My basement isn't anywhere near as bad as the one in the picture, thank goodness, but with all the rain we have had lately, especially again on Sunday, I have some water leaks in my cellar again. I have had them from time to time over the years and had to seal, cement, and caulk to stop the leaks and it looks like I’ll have to do more.
Andy Capwell’s Horseshoe Team: Week Four Update
Andy Capwell’s Horseshoe Team: Week Four Update
Andy Capwell’s Horseshoe Team: Week Four Update
It was a cold and rainy night of horseshoes last night at the Lisbon Left-Hand Club. Yes, we play in the rain! The biggest challenges last night during horseshoes were keeping the score sheet dry, keeping your hands dry and staying warm. Throwing a good shoe just didn't seem as important last night.