
What AreYour New Year’s Resolutions?
What AreYour New Year’s Resolutions?
What AreYour New Year’s Resolutions?
Happy New Year! 2013 is upon us and it's another chance to make and stick with New Year's resolutions. Looking back at 2012, I came close but didn't quite make my two New Year's resolutions. I wanted to drop down to 200 pounds and to bench press 250 pounds. I made it to 215 pounds, and have since gained some weight since my low point this summer. I also benched 240 pounds. Again, close but no ciga
The Augusta City Council Votes to Ban Smoking at School Bus Stops
The Augusta City Council Votes to Ban Smoking at School Bus Stops
The Augusta City Council Votes to Ban Smoking at School Bus Stops
It will now be illegal to light up a cigarette while waiting for your kids to get on a bus in Augusta. That was the outcome of a vote Thursday night from the Augusta City Council. City Councilor Dan Emery proposed the change after he received an email from parents of two children affected by an adult smoking at their bus stop.
Augusta City Council Considering Bus-Stop Smoking Ban
Augusta City Council Considering Bus-Stop Smoking Ban
Augusta City Council Considering Bus-Stop Smoking Ban
The Augusta city council will consider a proposal to amend a 'no-smoking' ordinance enacted this past January to include bus stops. The ordinance already bans smoking and all other forms of tobacco use at city parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, schools and most other city and school properties.
Reason 2,423,877 to Quit Smoking: It Ruins Sleepy Time
Reason 2,423,877 to Quit Smoking: It Ruins Sleepy Time
Reason 2,423,877 to Quit Smoking: It Ruins Sleepy Time
As the surgeon general helpfully details on every pack of cigarettes, there are many health problems associated with smoking. But here's a new one: Smoking can cause restless nights. German researchers surveyed the sleep habits of 1,100 smokers and 1,200 non-smokers...

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