Unique Maine Inspired Baby Names That Don’t Suck
Are you a momma-to-be or know one? Is there a special place in your heart for the state of Maine? Maybe you live here currently, or perhaps you spent your summers here or you flew up for an unforgettable vacation. What better way to display your love for Vacationland than naming your son or daughter after this state?
Ally-Short for Allagash which could cover your love for the area or the beer! Cheers to that!
Augusta-A unique, but not unheard of female name for our Capital City.
Aurora-A small town located in Hancock County with a population of just 114 has one of the most beautiful names in the state.
Bailey-Named for the picturesque Bailey Island located in the town of Harpswell in Casco Bay. Or it could be for Baileyville in Washington County.
Bristol-The name of a quaint coastal town in Lincoln County. According to ohbabynames.com, it also means "Place at the bridge."
Camden-One of the most beautiful coastal towns on Route 1 and home to Mount Battie.
Carra-A unique spelling of the more traditional Cara or Kara, short for Carrabassett Valley for those Sugarloaf lovers!
Castine-Like the name Cass or Cassie but want something more unique than Cassandra? Look no further than Castine located in Eastern Maine. Heck, maybe Maine Maritime Academy is your alma mater!
Corinna-This Maine town is located north-west of Bangor in the heart of Maine just north of Palmyra.
Damaris-Short for the storybook mid-coast town of Damariscotta.
Dayton-An adorable name for one of the smallest towns in York County just outside of Saco and Biddeford.
Dirigo-A name that's not a name of a town. Dirigo is Maine's motto that translates to "I direct" or "I guide."
Easton-Squished between Presque Isle and the Canadian border, Easton makes for a great boy name.
Elizabeth-Lacking in uniqueness, sure, Elizabeth honors the beautiful area of Cape Elizabeth, home to the iconic Portland Head Light.
Haven-A short ferry trip will bring you to the beautiful fishing town of Vinalhaven.
Holden-A classic name that's overdue for a comeback. Holden, Maine is located next to Brewer, east of Bangor.
Hope-You may have passed through this small town on your way east to the Rockland area. Plus, who doesn't need a little Hope in their lives?
Kenney-A name that could cover many Maine areas. Kenney is a tribute to Kennebec County and the Kennebec River in central Maine, or Kennebunk and Kennebunkport in southern Maine!
Knox-The town of Knox was named in honor of the first United States Secretary of War. It's located in Waldo County. There is also a Knox county here in Maine, home to the beautiful Rockland area.
Jackson-In addition to the very small town in Waldo County, Jackson Maine is also the name of Bradley Cooper's character in A Star is Born.
Lewis-A tribute to Lewiston, one of Maine's twin cities and the second largest city in the state.
Liberty-A beautiful small town that's home to the beautiful Lake St. George and Cards Against Humanity's Hawaii II.
Lily-Little known Lily Bay Township and Lily Bay State Park are located on the beloved and beautiful Moosehead Lake.
Lincoln-Here's another name that covers much of the state. First, did you know there are two Lincoln, Maines? One in Oxford County and the other in Penobscot County. There's also Lincolnville and coastal Lincoln County.
Monroe-Another beautiful Maine town located just north of Swan Lake State Park.
Milli-An abbreviated tribute to "Maine's Biggest Small Town" Millinocket.
Rangeley-I'd bet money you probably know a guy who knows a guy with a camp in the Rangeley Lakes region.
Reid-In honor of the beautiful Reid State Park on Georgetown Island. Reid has two distinct areas that you can visit to chill in the sand or climb on the rocks for a breathtaking view.
Somer-Somerset County spans from Fairfield to part of St. John River. It could double as a shout out to your time spent in Maine during the "summer!"
Trenton-The last point of the mainland before Mount Desert island and dubbed the "Gateway to Acadia."
Turner-A cute name for the growing suburb of the Lewiston Auburn area.
Stetson-This small town north of I-95 in Penobscot County would make for an adorable baby boy name.
Sullivan-This town is home to the only portion of Acadia National Park on the mainland.
Wesley-Named for John Wesley who founded the English Methodist movement, this is just another small Maine town with a sweet baby boy name.
Weston-Scenic Weston is dubbed "The small town with the big view" and located in Aroostook County bordering Canada.
If you'd like to go the more traditional route, Maine also has some very common town/name combos such as; Chelsea, Jay, and Raymond! Whatever name you choose, congrats on your wicked cute bundle of joy!
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