If you have lived in Maine all your life, you might have skipped work to go hunting, you could have rode an ATV to run an errand. However, here's a list of ten things that someone from Maine would never do.

1. Track mud into the house.
2. Be caught rooting for any team that’s not the Patriots.
3. And, more specifically related to sports, we’d never cheer for The Habs.
4. We’d never steal your ATV.
5. Complain about the weather. (Wait a minute and it will change! I am guilty of doing this)
6. Miss the opportunity to appreciate a gorgeous day.
7. Go to the basement to be surrounded by some sweet wood-paneling and 70s flooring. (We go downcellah for that!)
8. Become “senior citizens.” (When you reach the age of retirement here in Maine, you become an "old timer." Senior citizens are from other states.)
9. Refer to something as “cute.” (This baby puppy isn't cute! It's cunnin'!)
10. Suggest that anyone move to Maine.

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