Somedays you just want to go back to bed and start over. You've felt like that, haven't you? I know you have at least once. Yesterday was that day for me.

It all started with the extra $600 worth of medical bills that came in the mail. Bye Bye, Paycheck!

Next, just before Anderson and I were to leave for his Parent/Teacher conference

the dining room roof started to leak. So I sent him to go to the car and buckle up. I took out pots and pans and paper towels and got them into position. But I HAD to hurry. His teacher had already sent home notes reminding us parents to be on time.

30 seconds late.

At least he got a glowing review from his teacher. I came home to clean up the mess on the floor because I hadn't positioned the pots and pans just right...

With it being a rainy, frustrating day, I decided to make comfort food: spaghetti. I've been trying to eat healthy and I have been all week but with the amount of stress I was under, I figured a plate wouldn't hurt.

Or two.

Sitting at the kitchen table listening to the water drip, drip, drip into the tin pans wondering where the money was going to come from to fix it, parmesen cheese topped the spaghetti.

But to top it  ALL off...around 8 o'clock last night, it happened.


Pepe le Pew decided to spray something outside. Turns out it was ...MY CAR!!! 

Yup. The entire house was permeated with skunk. So bad we could taste it in our mouths. I don't care how much Febreze you spray or Scentsy candles you does NOT go away. Looks like it will be with us for a while.

Does anyone have any suggestions? You can't bathe a house in tomato soup...

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