A City In Maine Has Some Of The Cleanest Air In The United States
One of the many things that attract people to the State of Maine is our nearly pristine environment. Millions visit, or move to, Maine each year to enjoy the forests, fresh water, and fresh air.
Now, it looks like our air quality is getting some national recognition.
According to WMTW, the City of Bangor has been found to have some of the cleanest air in the country.
The report, which was conducted by the American Lung Association, gave the entire state high marks.
When quality was broken down by county, all of Maine's 16 counties scored at least a "C" grade, the news station reported. Even better, Androscoggin, Aroostook, Cumberland, Kennebec, Oxford and Penobscot counties all scored an "A" grade.
On top of that, the report ranked Bangor 5th for air quality in the nation, according to WMTW.
Ahead of Bangor were 4th place Kahului-Waikulu-Lahaina (Hawaii), 3rd place Honolulu (Hawaii), 2nd place Wilmington (North Carolina), and 1st place Cheyenne (Wyoming).
The most polluted city? WMTW reported it was Los Angeles, California.
The American Lung Association has been issuing this report since the late 1990s. This year's report found that 40% of Americans, about 137 million people, are living in places with poor air quality, according to WMTW.
So, take a deep breath and enjoy the fact that we have such good air in our state.
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