A Look Inside The Cheapest Home For Sale In Maine
Looking for an affordable starter home or an investment property? Don't mind operating out of northern Northern NORTHERN Maine? This could be the perfect place for you.
As of January 2022, the cheapest home for sale in Maine is located in the small Aroostook County town of Van Buren.
According to Realtor, the home, which is located on Main Street in Van Buren, is just over 1,000 square feet, 3 bedrooms, and 1 bathroom.
Based on the photos, the home is going to need work. Quite a bit of work. The good news? The repairs appear to be mostly minor things. New ceiling tiles, a new ceiling fan, paint, and a lot of cleaning.
Van Buren Home
The price? $24,500! If you put $6,000, your monthly payment would only be about $170 per month. That includes the mortgage, insurance, and taxes.
Get more details about purchasing the property from the Realtor website.
One of the reasons the home is so cheap is the remoteness of Van Buren. It is a typical small, Aroostook County town. According to Wikipedia, Van Buren sits right on the border with New Brunswick. The Saint John River acts as the United States / Canadian border, in this case. It will take about a half hour to get to the City of Presque Isle, 90 minutes to get to Houlton, just under 4 hours to get to Bangor, and 5 hours to get to Augusta. It is REMOTE! As of the 2020 census the town's population was just over 2,000.
At the opposite end of the price spectrum, check this place out!
Alex Trebek's Studio City Mansion