The Augusta Downtown Alliance is an organization that is dedicated to promoting all of the great things about the City of Augusta.  The shops, the restaurants, the waterfront, and more.

They accomplish this mission in a number of ways, including social media promotion and through special events.  Trick-or-Treat on Water Street, for example.

Well, they have just added a new event that is meant to be a kickoff to fall.

Smokey's Greater Shows Presents: A Kickoff to Fall Fair!

Basically, the event will be an old school fair / carnival midway.  Smokey's Greater Shows will roll into town with a full midway.  There'll be games, fair foods (fries, sausages, blooming onions, candied apples, and more), and there'll be all kinds of rides.

Of course, there'll be a mix of rides for the little kids, but they also plan to bring some of the bigger thrill rides, too.  We are not entirely sure of the specifics, we are guessing that they will be bringing The Zipper, The Round-Up, the Gravitron (Starship 3000?), and more!

If you have never been to a fair put on by Smokey's Greater Shows, this is an example of what one of their midways typical looks like:

The event gets kicked off on Thursday, September 21st and will run through Sunday, September 24th.  It will be open from 4 PM to 10 PM on Thursday, from 1 PM to 10 PM on Friday and Saturday, and from 1 PM to 6 PM on Sunday.

Oneisha Lee-unsplash
Oneisha Lee-unsplash

We expect to get a few more details about the event as it gets closer.  When we do, we'll be sure to pass the information on to you.

While you are enjoying the event, we hope that you will also stop by some of our downtown Augusta restaurants, bars, and shops.

And don't forget, the fall fun will continue with Trick-or-Treat on Water Street.  That event is coming up on Saturday, October 28th.

Keep up to date on all the things going on downtown at the Augusta Downtown Alliance Facebook page.

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