It's been a while since I've done a 'cooking for guys'. Frankly, I thought I've made everything I knew how to cook! This one could be the easiest cooking for guys I've done yet. It's an easy version and twist on chicken and rice.Here's what you'll need:

Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Breast Fillet
Near East Quinoa
La Choy Orange Ginger Stir Fry
Red and Green Peppers and Onions

Cook the chicken breasts in the over at 375 for 22 minutes.
On the stovetop, bring to boil 1 and 3 quarters cup of water, then add the quinoa and reduce heat to a simmer. Cooking time is around 18 minutes.
I put the peppers and onions in foil and cooked them with the chicken breasts, adding them with about 10 minutes left to cook.
Then add the orange ginger soy sauce to the chicken ans that's it!

Wicked easy and healthy!

Mix it up by adding different vegetables and saute them instead of roasting them.

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