Daylight Saving Time Starts This Sunday [POLL]
I am a fan of Daylight Saving Time, that extra hour of daylight is such a lift emotional after a long and brutal winter. So, we spring forward an hour at 2 a.m. this Sunday, but have you ever wonder how this all started?
Here are some things you might not have known about Daylight Saving Time.
Yes, it's Daylight Saving Time and not Daylight Savings Time. The word saving acts as part of an adjective rather than a verb, the singular is grammatically correct. I always called it daylight savings time. My bad!
Englishman William Willet led the first campaign to implement daylight saving time. In 1905, Willet wanted to have the United Kingdom move clocks forward by 80 minutes between April and October so more people could enjoy the sunshine. Willet died at the age of 58 in 1915 and never saw the U.K. adopt his idea.
Germany was the first country to enact daylight saving time. April 30, 1916, Germany started daylight saving time to save electricity during World War I, weeks later England followed suit.
In 1966, the Uniform Time Act, standardized daylight saving time from the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October. Since, then it's been extended to the current way we enact it today.
Hawaii and Arizona do not observe daylight saving time. Only around one quarter of the world's population observe daylight saving time.
Studies show that daylight saving time does not save energy.
There, I hope you enjoyed these facts of daylight saving time. I am a fan, how about you? Take our poll.