Funtown in Saco, Maine, Holding Third Adults-Only Night in August
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Story Land must be flattered, then. Years ago, Story Land was the first amusement park to hold an adults-only night in their space that typically invites children. Any theme park gets nervous at the unknown, and Story Land wasn't sure if it would be a big hit. It ended up being a massive hit, so much so that Story Land decided to hold four adults-only nights in 2022. After seeing the buzz Story Land was getting, Funtown decided to try their hand at an adults-only night on July 16, and before the date even arrived, tickets had sold out. They went for it again on August 6 with terrific results. So before the 2022 season runs out, Funtown has decided that the third time's a charm, and plans to hold one more adults-only night this season.
Shared on Facebook by Funtown Splashtown USA, their next 21+ adult-only night at the park will be Saturday, August 27 from 7:30-11:00pm. Funtown received lots of feedback from attendees of their first and second adults-only nights and have continued to make adjustments as they feel out this special event. The event remains a limited capacity event. The first night had 2,500 people, with their August 6 night limited to 1,900 guests. August 27 will have the same capacity as August 6. Similar to the second adults-only night, there will also be more serving stations around the park to accommodate guests and reduce wait times. There will be an additional change for August 27 as well. Instead of a DJ spinning tunes, Funtown will host three live music acts: Dave Gutter and the Bad Clams, Coyote Island, and Xander Nelson.
If you're interested in attending the event, Funtown is asking that you purchase tickets directly from them only. For the first event, many hopeful guests lost out on money by purchasing invalid tickets through secondhand dealers. Funtown closed the loophole for night two and wants to make sure night three runs smoothly as well.
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