As a new homeowner near downtown Augusta, I leaned something interesting a few weeks ago - you can't park on the street overnight during the winter.  I guess I had heard about the parking ban, but it did not sink in until I noticed a pamphlet reminding me of this fact tucked under my windshield wiper.

For those who don't know, from November 15th through April 15th, you are not allowed to park on the street from 10 PM to 7 AM.  This is meant to allow for snow removal.  If you violate the ordinance, you can be ticketed or towed (at your expense).

However, there is a way to get around this regulation.  You can apply for an overnight parking permit.  If approved, the permit will allow you to park on the street during those banned times.  However, you still need to move your vehicle during snow removal operations.  If you leave your vehicle on the street during those times, they will attempt to contact the owner once before they tow your vehicle.

The permit says, in part:


That the City of Augusta will not be responsible for your vehicle. The Augusta Police Department will, within reason, attempt to contact you at the phone number you have provided above, if feasible and conditions permit, should your vehicle need to be moved. However, no more than ONE attempt at contact shall be expected.  If the need to remove your vehicle arises, it can and will be towed. Under the provisions of Revised Code of Ordinances, if towing becomes necessary, it is further understood that you are responsible for any and all applicable tickets, towing, impoundment and storage fees before your vehicle will be released.

You can get more details and print a copy of the application HERE

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