Well, this is hilarious. No one is letting this guy get away with this.

I don't want to call this man out by name, but if you follow yard sale pages in New Hampshire on Facebook, chances are you have seen this hilarity ensue.

Now look, I love a yard sale. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Some of my favorite items in my home are things I picked up from the side of the road. But when it comes to bills with a numeric value, it's a pretty tough sell to ask for five times the worth of that bill.

I know some people collect coins and things like htat. If it is a historic artifact, that feels different to me, especially if it's currency that was only made in a limited amount (like a $2 bill). According to YahooFinance.com, certain $2 bills can be worth up to $4,500 on the collectibles market.

Anyway, back to this guy. We will call him Johnny. Johnny is trying to sell a $100 from 2017 for $500. His post insinuates that because the serial number has seven sevens (six of them being in a row), that this is a lucky $100, and therefore worth $500.

Now I'm not superstitious, I'm only a little stitious (if you know, you know), but from where I am sitting, this seems like a load of malarky.


The comments on the post have me in stitches. This one might be my favorite:

Best I can do is $50 and whatever change I have in my
Center console
Someone suggested that he might have better luck posting the bill on eBay. You never know what collectors will find valuable and how much they are willing to pay. Who knows? Maybe Johnny will get way more than $500 for this bill, and we will all be eating our words. Time will tell!

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