Let Me Introduce You To My Pack
It's no secret, I dig dogs. I prefer big dogs over small dogs, but I love all dogs. There is just something about dogs that offer us humans a great example of how to not sweat the small stuff, to live in the moment, and to just exude unconditional love!
Let's face it...dogs rule. Mine, and probably yours too are always so happy to see us when we come home and never seem to care if we come home empty handed or didn't even shower that day, although I do wonder if it crossed their minds that humans may be stinky sometimes.
For me it started with two, first Zoey, the Keeshond.
then Spencer, the Great Dane
When I moved to the mid-coast of Maine to get married 12 years ago...combining families I ended up with four dogs (two with the same name), seven cats, four kids and two horses. It was more like a zoo than the Brady bunch.