Local Puppy Needs Your Help.
How can you resist that face? The heart nose. Scrappers is currently a puppy at the Humane Society Waterville Area and is in need of a life saving surgery. To help cover the cost of the medical care, the shelter has started a Go Fund Me Page.
According to the Humane Society Waterville Area:
We have a puppy that needs your help!
Meet Scrappers! He has a birth defect in his esophagus that prevents him from digesting solid food. Scrappers will require surgery to repair this defect or unfortunately, he will be unable to survive.
Scrappers has won over the hearts of the staff here at HSWA, with his sweet temperament and fighting spirit.
We are in desperate need of funds to help fight for Scrappers. There are procedures that prelude the surgery and we are asking for your help!
Please donate if you’re able! You can donate via Pay Pal on our website, www.hswa.org, or through his GoFundMe campaign, “Scrapper's Medical Fund” https://www.gofundme.com/scrappers-medical-fund
No amount is too small! Every dollar and every share makes a difference.
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