Maine Cops Pull Over Cozy Coupe – So Cute!
Following a summer of protests and political unrest revolving around the actions of a few police officers in a couple of the country's cities, this serves as a good reminder that 99% of all of America's law enforcers are good people.
Recently, police in the small Maine town of Baileyville pulled over a toddler in a cozy coupe.
OUIPS ( Operating Under the Influence of Pixie Sticks) All toddlers are innocent . No toddlers or police chief's were injured in the taking of this picture.
Posted by Baileyville Police Department on Sunday, September 13, 2020
After ensuring all of the driver's paperwork was in order, the officer gave the kid a chance to check out his police cruiser.
I bet he won't roll through that stop sign again. After I checked out the horn and his paperwork he checked out my ride. He said, "It's cool." This is the good stuff.
Posted by Baileyville Police Department on Sunday, September 13, 2020
If you have a chance to, take a couple of minutes today to thank a cop, sheriff, state trooper, or other first responder for all they do to keep Maine a great place to live.
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