Maine Craigslist Missed Connections – Can You Help?
I took a very daring and bold move and decided to check out the Missed Connections category on Craigslist. What is this about? People develop a crush...but leave no information on how to 'spark' a relationship with the person they are interested in. It's almost creepy in a 'I see you but you don't see me' stalker type message that you might NEVER see if you don't go looking for it.
But, I did find some that made me chuckle and I had to share...plus, if I can help make a connection (or protect someone) then YAY me!
This 'Missed Connection' took place at Shaw's in Bath:
How was your salmon Friday night? You made me want to go home and make salmon. We should have salmon together next time. What do you think?
ATTN: Short haired girl at Westbrook Rite Aid...this is either sweet or scary:
I think you are extremely beautiful find myself going there just to buy something so I can see your face
Perfection at Scarborough Mardens:
I am not sure how old you are, probably too young for me, not sure if you are married, dating, I would assume you are. But I have now been through register twice in the last week or so, and just felt I needed to tell you. You are absolutely beautiful.
Groceries in Augusta:
We're middle aged...you have curls and cute freckles. We passed and made eye contact a few times. I looked for you before leaving, but couldn't find you again. Which store and in which departments? May I take up an hour or two of yours over lunch?
Hey gorgeous man at C&S in Augusta with the license plate FOCUS...yea you know who you are:
You are gorgeous. You drive a black GMC with FOCUS on the plate and shop at C&S market in Augusta. I would like to get to know you. If you see this and would like to talk please reply. If someone knows him please let me know how to get ahold of him.
This is more advice seeking...coworker has crush on her BOSS in Augusta!:
This is not a missed connection...More like advice. My boss is gorgeous and nice but very married. He does something to me just by his presence that I can't explain....This is bad, very bad.
I just want a taste, that's it. It's so inappropriate but I can't stop thinking at how I usually go after what I want but this is something I just want a little😉
I have a boyfriend and he has a wife...I don't want to change our lives I just want a temporary flare!!
Nikki...Sociology...420...Carmel. That narrows it down some:
Your number changed and we lost touch a while ago.
We were in a class together and we hung out multiple times because I grow 420. I'd love to see and just talk with you again. We became friends and had righteous conversation. You came to camp.... Actually brought me there. The last time you sort of tested out perfume and asked what I thought. Long shot.... But would love to know you! Even if it's just business. I'm a sucker for a pretty face.Very doubtful but.... Subject line professor name??? I hope this reaches you!
So there...I hope I'm able to help make a love connection! I've only ever set up 2 people before. My brother and sister-in-law. It was a success and now they are having twincesses!
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