David Ortiz is having a great farewell season as the Red Sox battle for a playoff birth. Big Papi has been getting special ceremonies and gifts from many major league baseball teams during his final season. Fans all across the country have been showing their respect for David Ortiz, but then there are Yankee fans.

There is a website called moonbigpapi.com, that is asking for 50,000 fans to moon David Ortiz when the Red Sox play the Yankees in New York on September 29th.

I'm not sure if they are serious or if this is all in jest. Here are what they are hoping to accomplish. Here's what moonbigpapi.com wants to accomplish!

'Fifty thousand moons.

Yes, moons! We're not talking about celestial bodies. We're talking about the idiotic, immature, sophomoric and utterly crude display of hostility that is commonly known as "mooning." It requires two physical movements.

  1.  A fan turns his/her posterior to the person or thing being mooned.

  2. He/she drops trow for five to ten seconds, signifying the span of time it takes Big Papi to run to first base.

Fifty thousand full moons.

Imagine David Ortiz's great surprise as his Yankee Stadium tribute abruptly turns into an avalanche of red-cheeked butts. (In a perfect world, each bun would have a hypodermic needle poking from it, commemorating Papi's rise to greatness.) Imagine the moment, caught for posterity - or "posterior-ity" - the greatest mass mooning since - well - Moonies!

All we need is your fanny and five seconds.'

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