New Hampshire & Massachusetts Theater Chain Changing Ticket Prices
Even before the pandemic really shook up the movie theater industry, there were changes on the horizon.
Nearly a decade ago, director George Lucas predicted that we would see movie theaters moving more in the direction of going to a Broadway shows or major sporting events. There would be more amenities in theaters, better concessions options, and they would be nicer overall, but the prices would see an astronomical increase. George Lucas speculated that we could see the price of tickets jump up to $100. You can read more about what he and Steven Spielberg had to say HERE
While the prices have not yet increased to the $100 mark, they have taken a step to closer to that.
According to CNN, the AMC Theater Chain, which has locations across the country, including New Hampshire and Massachusetts, is ironing out the final details of a "tiered" ticket pricing system.
Under the new pricing system, which is called "Sightline", the cost of the ticket would depend on where in the theater the seat was located. A large chunk of the tickets would not increase in price. However, the prime seats (middle of the theater) would cost more than the tickets around the edges of the room. The non-prime seats, like waaaaayyyyy up front, would be a little cheaper than the normal price.
According to the article, the chain would only use Sightline pricing after 4 PM. So, if you took the family to a matinee, all the tickets would be priced the same. Additionally, the hope is for the new pricing system to be rolled our by the end of 2023.
The chain has over 1,000 locations nationwide. Some of the New England locations include Londonderry (NH), Boston, Danvers (MA), Methuen (MA), Buffalo, and several locations in New York City, Check out the list of locations on the AMC website.
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