Online Shopping Fails
I'm a fan of online shopping. I put my amazon prime to very good use on a weekly basis. I can't tell you when the last time I schlepped dog food, toilet paper, laundry or cleaning supplies from the store to my car to the house. My life has become that much easier despite the cardboard buildup that I recycle. I have bought everything from amazon from books to clothes to household needs, art supplies and musical instruments, as well as fitness equipment with great success. Its taken me a while to realize that not all online shopping sites are created equal though. I've had the WISH app on my phone and deleted it. Anytime I see clothing with a model of Asian descent I know I cant order those clothes. Sizing differences from country to country aside, ordering things online, especially clothing, is a crap shoot. I speak from experience because I have ordered from the websites that now populate our facebook feeds. I have received the dress with four sleeves and the black shirt that looks "just ok" was actually sold to me as a dress. I know I'm not the only one who has gambled and lost. In fact, there's a whole facebook page devoted to just this.
Now my personal belief is, if you are looking for a dress or gown for a special occasion then you shouldn't order online, especially from a site you've never seen before.
How disappointed was this child?
Can you say lost in translation?
Do you have online shopping horror stories? Let us know. Send pics.