Sarah Has Some Very Naughty Kitties. Or Is Her House Haunted?
I went to bed with a clean house. The Elf on the Shelf isn't visiting our house this year. So, to my surprise, when I came out of my room this morning to a MESS! My first reaction was to scream 'Who made this mess???'...but I didn't. It's 3am...everyone is sleeping. I quickly discovered the culprits. But after further investigating...there's no way it could have been them. Do I have a ghost?
Initially looking around...the criminals sitting on the evidence...it HAS to be Kitty 1 & Kitty 2. But, how on earth did they get it up in the Christmas tree without knocking it over or moving a single ornament. It's like organized chaos.
I'll never know what really happened or where they found streamers.
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