Should New England Schools Adopt This Interesting Homework Policy?
Now that the school supplies have been purchased and Labor Day Weekend has come and gone, Back to School season is officially in full swing as all students have returned to all schools throughout New England.
Depending on the age of the student, days spent either at camp, at home in front of the TV or video games, or at a summer job will now be filled with hours of sitting through lectures, taking notes, completing group assignments, and crushing pop quizzes and big exams.
And for most, the day won't end after the final school bell rings either, as some will have after-school jobs to get to, school sports to play or school activities to participate in, or after-school chores to complete once they get back home.
And even after all that, the day doesn't end there, because there's still the matter of completing homework. Whether that's after all other after-school responsibilities have been completed or early the next morning before doing it all over again. And therein lies the resurfacing of a debate that has gone on for years:
Should homework still be a thing?
Recently, a post by a news station in Texas from back in 2016 has gotten some attention and gone viral again because it addresses a note that a teacher back then, Mrs. Brandy Young, sent home with students for parents to read highlighting her homework policy.
And, essentially, her homework policy was that there would, in fact, be no homework assigned all year. Instead, she encouraged parents to take that extra time students would spend on homework and spend it together as a family in some capacity.
And shockingly enough, considering the ease people on social media can rip anything apart -- even if it's completely wholesome and positive -- when scrolling through the comments section of that post, there's not one negative comment to be found immediately.
In fact, one supporter, Kelly Feegel, a former teacher at Barrington Elementary School in Barrington, New Hampshire, who now teaches in North Carolina, stated that for over 20 years, that has been her exact policy, and it's worked brilliantly without any sign of students struggling outside of the norm.
So, all that said, should the no homework policy be adopted in all schools in New England?
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