Shreddies, the Underwear That Absorbs the Smell of Passing Gas
There is new underwear on the market made in Britain but it’s the American consumer that is the biggest buyer. Shreddies, the underwear that filters the stench of passing gas, the SBD, the one no one hears but they sure do smell. Shreddies use science to absorb the smell with a cloth that has a micro porous structure to form a layer of activated carbon cloth.
One gram of this cloth, that fits easily in men’s or women’s Shreddies, is specifically designed to fit in the small area of underwear but could cover half a football field. It’s a war against smell, and although they are sold for everyone in the world, American’s are buying them the most. Shreedies are made to absorb up to 200 bean blowers. The cost for a pair of men's underwear are between $40 and $47, women’s are a little cheaper at $32 to $35 a pair, but it’s a small price to pay when the gas master is having a bout of the fog silencers.
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