‘SNL’ Taps Tina Fey for Season 39 Premiere, Plus Miley Cyrus, Bruce Willis, Katy Perry and More!
Just when you thought 'SNL' couldn't have put that Lindsay Lohan rumor to bed any harder, the first three episodes of the 2013-14 season will blow the lid off '30 Rock' altogether. Alumni Tina Fey will host the September 28 'SNL' premiere, with the weeks that follow to include the likes of twerqueen Miley Cyrus, Bruce Willis, and even a returning Katy Perry!
As revealed by NBC only moments ago, former 'SNL' head writer and castmate Fey will return to Studio 6H to host on September 28 with musical guest Arcade Fire. The subsequent week will see Miley Cyrus taking up double duty as host and performer on October 5, while Bruce Willis will host on October 12 accompanied by Katy Perry. Presumably, Lady Gaga's hosting stint will arrive in the weeks before the November 11 release of album "ARTPOP."
In addition to the star-studded hosts of season 39, equal attention will likely be paid to reported cast additions Mike O’Brien, John Milhiser, actress Noël Wells, and “Good Neighbor” performers Kyle Mooney and Beck Bennett, all of whom step in to replace past season departures Bill Hader, Fred Armisen and Jason Sudeikis. Seth Meyers will leave ‘SNL’ behind in 2014 as well, with Hader likely to return as Stefon for his exit.
What say you, 'SNL' fans? Is season 39 too good to be true, or are we in for a barrage of twerking jokes? Tell us who you'd like to see hosting 'SNL' this season in the comments!
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