
Men Buy Underwear Every Seven Years
Men Buy Underwear Every Seven Years
Men Buy Underwear Every Seven Years
A survey done in Great Britain says men, on average, keep their underwear for seven years. Not really earth-shattering news to most men and even though it’s an English study, it probably holds true for most of the so called ‘civilized’ world.
6 Wackiest Prom Dresses Actually Worn to Prom – Guess What They’re Made Out Of
6 Wackiest Prom Dresses Actually Worn to Prom – Guess What They’re Made Out Of
6 Wackiest Prom Dresses Actually Worn to Prom – Guess What They’re Made Out Of
It's that time of year again when prom is on the minds of every teen girl. Many have bought the tickets, booked the limo and, most importantly, picked out the perfect prom dress. It's all for the shear thrill of making everyone's heads turn as they roll up to the dance floor. But no matter how elaborate or lavish the dress is, chances are it won't be as quite a showstopper as these non-traditional prom gowns.
The Craziest Fashions of Oscar Night 2013
The Craziest Fashions of Oscar Night 2013
The Craziest Fashions of Oscar Night 2013
When it comes to taking fashion risks, awards shows are the ideal time to just buck up and go for it. There are like, millions of people watching, after all. That being said, it does take a whole 'lotta guts to ere on the side of crazy couture, but this year's Oscars were bound to have some of those fashion risks, right? You betcha! Check out the craziest getups from the Red Carpet.
Watch Jennifer Hudson Kill It at the 2013 Oscars
Watch Jennifer Hudson Kill It at the 2013 Oscars
Watch Jennifer Hudson Kill It at the 2013 Oscars
Since the "theme" for the 2013 Academy Awards is music in movies, it makes sense that Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson would be called upon to perform the big number from the movie that won her the prize, 'Dreamgirls.' Here she is singing a bit of 'And I'm Telling You...

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