Maine Legislature

Bill To Prohibit Collecting Maine Fiddleheads Without Permission
Bill To Prohibit Collecting Maine Fiddleheads Without Permission
Bill To Prohibit Collecting Maine Fiddleheads Without Permission
The calender says that spring begins March 20, but in Maine, we know that what the calender says and what Mother Nature wants are often two different things. One sign of spring in Maine is the sprouting of wild fiddleheads. Many Mainers enjoy fiddleheads and pick and sell them for additional income.
Obscure Bills Being Introduced in the Maine Legislature
Obscure Bills Being Introduced in the Maine Legislature
Obscure Bills Being Introduced in the Maine Legislature
Every session bills are introduced by the Maine Legislature, many involving very important issues and topics. Others, well they can be just a bit quirky. Take a look at what some members of the 126th will be discussing on behalf of their constituents.